Dr. med. vet. Erhan Gökdag
Erhan is a specialist in laser phototherapy and laser acupuncture in veterinary medicine.
Licensed as veterinary surgeon at the University of Ankara 1992
- Urla Gelisim Vakfi Poliklinigini founded 1992
- Urla VET Polikinik founded 1994
Various training courses, among others:
- ISTANBUL Uni. 'Reproduktive Ultrasonografie bei Tieren' Course 2007
- Veterinary Orthopedics and Traumatology Society (VOT-DER) Basic princips of fracture fiksation2010
- VOT-DER 'Dynamic intra medullary locking pin fixation' course 2012
- IVHO 'Small animal Hemetology, transfusion and haemostazis' 2013
- ACKISD (Turkish Shepherd Dog Sports Club) HD-ED Röntgentechnik 2013
- Uludag Uni. 'Abdominal USG in small animal' 2013
- Clinician Veterinary Medical ass.'Cardiology' 2013
- Clinician Veterinary Medical ass.'Diagnosis of Heart problems' 2013
- Endoscopy in small animals 2013
- Endoscopy and Laser Acupuncture 2014
- IVHO 'Leishmaniasis 2015
- Thorax surgery
- Biomechanics and peripheral neurology of the dog 2016
- Spine Breuss Therapy 2016
- Dorn -Breuss Therapy Advanced Course 2016
- Osteopathic fascia myofascial Release 2017
- WSAVA World small animal veterinary ass. (Member)
- TSAVA Türkish small animal veterinary ass. (member)
- ATF Academy for Veterinary Education (Member)
- Izmir Veterinary Chamber and Turkish Veterinary Confederation (Member)
- KHVHD Clinician Veterinary Medical ass. (Member)
- VOT-DER Turkish Veterinary Orthopedics and Traumatology Sociyety (Board of directors)
- Turkish Veterinary Acupuncture Sociyety (Board of directors)
- Türkish Veterinary Homeopathy Sociyety (Board of directors)