Dr. med. Michael Grandjean
- "Das Handbuch der Chinesischen Heilkunde" / Handbook of Chinese Medicine
A bestseller with 11 editions in 2012 - "Warum denn so verbissen?" (How to see CMD in a holistic manner?)
- Coautor of : The NAET-Program
- Editor and co-author: "Kranker Zahn, kranker Mensch" IAN Eigenverlag 2011
- Co-author and editor: "Chronisch krank, aber warum" Das überlastete Immunsystem
Science and reasearch
- Development of the New Abdominal Acupuncture (NAAP)
- Detection of regulatory disorder using scientific and energetic methods
Memberships and functions
- 2012 Vicepresident ISLA (International Society for Biological Laser Therapy and Acupuncture)
- Founder IAN (Interdisziplinärer Arbeitskreis Naturheilverfahren)
- Former board member ATCAE ( German Association for Acupuncture and TCM – MD's training in China)
- Qual. member DWGTCM
Professional focus
- Holistic diagnostics and treatment of allergic diseases (NAET- Specialist)
- Lyme disease therapy
- Alternative pain therapy with acupuncture, phytotherapy and laser medicine
- Laser acupuncture, intravenous and parenteral laser therapy
- Diagnosis and treatment of regulatory disorders
Praxis für Ganzheitliche Medizin
Rüsselsheim Germany