Thomas Henning has been a general practitioner and
psychotherapist since 1997. Since 2000 he has run a practice for
psychosomatic medicine, addiction medicine, clinical hypnosis according
to Milton Erickson in Starnberg near Munich with a focus on depth
psychology-based individual therapy, pain psychotherapy according to
pain VT, addiction psychotherapy according to VT, interactive group
therapy, sexual medical counselling, couple, family and marriage
counselling. Since 2001 he has been in charge of the consulting service
"Psychosomatics and Addiction" at the Starnberg Clinic.
Since 2018,
his practice has been a focal point for photobiomodulation procedures
for psychosomatic complaints, neurodegenerative diseases and pain.
Teaching activities
Thomas Henning is
lecturer at the autumn congresses in Starnberg, the vocational school
for nursing and physiotherapy and other institutions in the district
(Gymnasium Starnberg, associations, kindergartens and schools) and has
been coaching mentors for the OTA school at IB-GISmbH and for the
nursing school at Klinikum Starnberg since 2009.
Since 2019 he has been a lecturer at COLLL in the field of (neuro-)rehabilitation, psychosomatics and pain.
ÄWK Munich e.V., today PÄWK
COLLL (College for Laser-Phototherapy)
MEG e.V.
Schmerzliga e.V. - Co-founder of the Schmerznetz-Starnberg
Member of the board of the Freundeskreis für Psychisch Kranke e.V. since 2017 as deputy treasurer and secretary,
Cooperations: Koki in the district office Starnberg
ANAD e. V., AA-Starnberg, Condrobs Starnberg, DGPM and PÄWK
Dr. med. Thomas J. Henning
Hanfelder Straße 3B
D-82319 Starnberg
Tel.: 08151-449077
Fax: 08151-449078