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College for

Steffi Fröhlich

Veterinary practitioner specializing in horses, equine osteopath, equine physiotherapist,equine acupuncturist, laser therapist, lecturer

Steffi Fröhlich has been self-employed with her own mobile practice since 2004. She specializes in rehabilitation, equine osteopathy, equine physiotherapy and TCM.

From 2009 to 2015, she ran the “IPEHT” - Institute for Practice-Oriented and Evidence-Based Healing Methods for Animals” together with Dr. med. vet. Dieter Bödeker and took over the lecturing activities in the field of practical seminars on the subject of ‘horses’.

Steffi Fröhlich is also a laser safety officer and lecturer at the COLLL for laser therapy in the veterinary field, specializing in horses.